Is This a Library or a Café? BTS RM’s Visit to the Art Library

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I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Uijeongbu Art Library, a truly unique place.


This library has garnered even more attention since BTS leader RM stopped by.
After exploring it myself, I can understand why it has become such a notable destination.




A Unique Blend of Art and Books

What sets this library apart is its innovative combination of art and literature.
As soon as you enter, it feels like stepping into an art gallery.
The walls feature various artworks, and sculptural pieces are placed throughout, creating an immersive visual experience.

The library is organized into three floors, each with a different theme:

  1. 1st Floor - Art Ground: A plaza-like space blending reading areas with community zones.
  2. 2nd Floor - General Ground: The main floor, featuring an extensive collection of art books.
  3. 3rd Floor - Multi Ground: A multipurpose area used for exhibitions, lectures, and workshops.

BTS RM’s Visit: Shining a Spotlight on the Library

In January 2023, BTS leader RM (Kim Namjoon) visited the Uijeongbu Art Library, bringing it into the spotlight.

RM’s passion for art is well-known, and his visit attracted fans and art enthusiasts alike.




A significant highlight of his visit was his donation of art books to the library.
These books have enriched the library’s collection and provide a window into RM’s artistic preferences.
You can find his donated books in a special zone on the 1st floor.

A Walk Through the Library

1st Floor: Art Ground

The 1st floor welcomes you with a spacious lobby filled with various artworks.
This area is perfect for small meetings and open stage events.
It’s also a place where visitors can read and interact freely.




2nd Floor: General Ground

The 2nd floor serves as the core of the Art Library.
Here, you’ll find a wide selection of art-related books, covering everything from art history to contemporary art, design, and architecture.
Reading desks by the windows offer a peaceful spot to enjoy a book while taking in the view outside.




3rd Floor: Multi Ground

The 3rd floor is arguably the most fascinating space in the library.
It hosts various exhibitions, lectures, and workshops, giving it the feel of a small art museum.
This floor also features a café where visitors can purchase coffee and light snacks.
Many people enjoy sipping coffee while reading, adding to the unique atmosphere of the Uijeongbu Art Library.


Is it a library or a café? This intriguing blend makes it stand out!




What Makes the Library Special

Innovative Design and Open Spaces

The design of the Uijeongbu Art Library is striking. 

Its open and flexible structure reflects diversity, while the rhythm of the space and sculptural furniture create a balance of comfort and dynamism.

A Range of Cultural Programs

This library is much more than a place to borrow books.
It regularly hosts art-related lectures, workshops, and exhibitions, greatly enhancing the cultural experience for local residents.

Family-Friendly Spaces

There’s also a thoughtfully designed area for children.
The 1st floor includes a cozy reading space for kids, making it a popular choice for family visits.

Tips for Visiting

  1. Visit during weekdays to avoid crowds.
  2. Don’t miss the rare art books on the 2nd floor.
  3. Check the 3rd floor schedule for exhibitions or programs before your visit.
  4. Explore the nearby cafés after your library visit for a complete experience.

Final Thoughts

The Uijeongbu Art Library offers more than just a collection of books.
It’s a pioneering cultural space where art and knowledge come together.
While BTS RM’s visit brought it additional fame, the library itself is a must-visit destination.

The philosophy of "Changing your environment changes your thinking" is evident here.
Spending time in this space is sure to spark creativity and fresh ideas.

Whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply looking for a unique library experience, I highly recommend visiting the Uijeongbu Art Library.
It’s a one-of-a-kind destination, conveniently located just outside Seoul.

Make sure to visit when you have the chance.
You’ll enjoy a day filled with books, art, and inspiring spaces.

Tag : 의정부미술도서관

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